Working with John Henny

Around this time last year (Jan 2022), I joined in on a 21-day challenge being facilitated by John Henry, and his wife Tracee Theisen-Henny.

John is a singing teacher who I had discovered some months earlier when I found a video of him reacting to Jacob Collier on YouTube. I loved his analysis of what was going on in the video, and was taken by the honest and emotional reaction he had to what he heard. I started watching his other videos, listening to his podcast - ‘The Intelligent Vocalist’ - and signed up to his newsletter.

So, when an email came into my inbox challenging me to make an online singing course in 21 days, I tentatively signed up. I wasn’t sure that I had the time or wherewithal to make a course right then, but I knew I would learn some valuable things to take forward, and the challenge was free. Who doesn’t love that kind of bargain?!

I decided I would adapt the presentation/workshop that I had created for my MA research the previous term, all about vocal warmups. I followed the steps they laid out to put it onto a suitable host site, and fill in the blanks.

To my surprise and delight, not only did I get it finished in time, but they decided it was worthy of one of the 3 ‘winners’ spots, meaning John included a link to my course in his newsletter and shared it amongst his followers.

Here’s what they said when they announced me as a winner:


Tessa was able to elevate the material with her exceptional knowledge f the voice and the function of vocal exercises. She ha a fantastic energy and approaches the camera as if she is talking directly to someone. Her influential style is never intimidating but rather shared in a warm, friendly way, which is constantly engaging with the audience, keeping them involved with the material and moving forward. IMPRESSIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT TESSA’

Well, didn’t that make me blush!

As if that wasn’t praise enough, John and Tracee then got in touch to ask whether I wanted to recreate the course for John’s ‘Online Singing School’ and also chat to John on his podcast.

I am so fortunate to have been able to do those things, and very grateful for John’s warmth and generosity over the past few months. I know that some opportunities have come my way purely from the reach of his online presence, and I hope very much to have the opportunity to work with him again.

I have linked a number of things in this post, but you can also find out more at