5 ways to improve your vocal warm-up

Does your vocal warm-up need some attention?

Do you view it as a necessary evil; something to endure in order to get to the fun bit of singing?

Or do you see it as the foundations for a healthy voice, efficient routine building and a productive singing session?

Here are 5 ways to improve your vocal warm-up and stop it seeming like a chore!

  1. Know it’s purpose

    There are different types of warm-ups which contribute different things to the preparations to sing. Knowing more about why you’re using certain exercises will improve confidence and function.

  2. Keep it short (but effective)

    Some types of warm-up need more time than others. Knowing how long is optimal can help to ensure you don’t spend unnecessary time warming up, or fatigue your voice before you’ve even begun.

  3. Make it more fun!

    Chances are, you’re more likely to do a vocal warm-up if you actually enjoy it. Knowing ways to make your warm-up more engaging can help, especially if you find yourself skipping ahead to singing repertoire at full voice.

  4. Work out what works best for you

    The best vocal warm-up is the one you actually do. There is never a one-size-fits-all in singing, so knowing your voice, your likes and dislikes, and the specific obstacles you may face is the best way to improve your approach.

  5. Ask for help

    If you are still struggling to establish an effective warm up routine that you enjoy (or at least can endure!) ask your singing teacher to help you. Or you could purchase my ebook or book a 30 minute warm-up appraisal with me so we can make a plan together!

For more singing practice tips you can follow me on social media @TessaSmithMusic, or explore thesingersguide.com where there are resources all about optimising your singing practice.